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Numeira Membership at AmCham-Jordan

We are pleased to announce that Numeira has officially joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Jordan (AmCham - Jordan), a member of the United States Chambers of Commerce. Numeira is looking forward to building great networking opportunities with the aim to enhance! commercial ties between Jordan and the U.S by advancing shared priorities that promote Jordan’s Dead Sea materials in the U.S. This opportunity would help Numeira to open new doors in the US market and speed up the implementation of the Government of Jordan’s strategy introduced to attract US buyers of Dead Sea materials from Jordan. Numeira Mixed Salts and Mud company is part of Arab Potash Company (APC) that has been granted exclusive concession rights to extract and utilize the mineral resources of

Dead Sea for skin care purposes. Established in 1997, Numeira produces, organizes, and facilitates the sale of Dead Sea Bath Salts, Mud, and Brine to local and international markets.

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